Print Sizing Guide

Shop Printable Art
Affordable Instant Download Art
A curated collection of my work is available for purchase as an instant download in my printable art store.
Your purchase includes over 30 standard sizes in 7 popular ratios, ensuring your artwork fits beautifully into any frame.
Plus, you’ll receive an easy-to-follow PDF Print Instruction Guide for easy file selection and print results.
Included File Sizes
For each artwork, you will receive 7 JPEG files for instant download, covering popular ratios, including square.
If you are unsure as to sizes, please feel free to contact me for clarification

Need A Custom Size?
If the size you need is not included in the standard download files, I can create a file tailored to your specific dimensions. This is a complimentary service.
After your purchase, simply email me and I take care of the rest.

File Format Information
All files are high-resolution RGB JPEGs at 300dpi – ideal for premium, quality printing. Need another format? Just let me know!
Trouble Uploading Your Art?
If you run into any problems uploading my artwork files to a professional print company, please contact me.
Most of the time the issue is related to size or file formatting specific to that company, which I can quickly and easily fix for you.
Have Questions? I’m Here to Help!
If you are unsure as to sizes or have any issue or questions, please feel free to email me for clarification and assistance.
I am always happy to help, no question is too silly.
Also you may find the answers you seek on my Customer Support Hub page, which answers many of the FAQ with regards to how printable art works.
x Thank you Bella